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Using Food Dehydrators to Preserve Your Food

Dehydrating food dates back to Biblical times when it was a necessity but it still remains a popular way of preserving food today. The question to ask is with so many technological advances, why are we still dehydrating our food? Here we’ll explain what a food dehydrator does and why it’s so beneficial for preserving food.

Food dehydrating is great for preserving food and all of its nutritional value.

What is a food dehydrator?

A food dehydrator is an electrical device that is used to remove the moisture from food. It does this by heating the food to the desired temperature which allows for moisture to be released from the food into the dehydrator. The fan then pushes the moisture to the vents where it is released outside of the dehydrator, leaving the food fully dehydrated for preservation.

Why dehydrate your food?

If you’re new to food dehydration, you’re probably wondering why anyone would possibly want to dry out lovely tasting food. Well the truth is that there are actually a wide range of benefits to food dehydration, some of which we have outlined below.

Prevents wastage –

Food dehydrators allow you to preserve fresh, nutritious foods in your own home and store them for very long periods of time (sometimes even decades). The great thing about dehydrating foods is that it prevents wastage. Think how many times you’ve had to throw something away because it was out of date. A food dehydrator would prevent that!

Retains nutritional value –

The good news is that removing the moisture from food does not affect its nutritional value. Dehydrated foods are every bit as nutritional and maintain both their water-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Cost effective –

Buying dried foods from the supermarket can get pretty pricey. If you’re looking to save money on buying healthy snacks for your family, dehydrating your food provides the perfect solution.

Tastes great –

Believe it or not, dehydrated fruit and vegetables actually taste amazing! Something wonderful happens to their flavours when you remove all of the water and they become way more intense.

Save space –

If you don’t have a lot of space in your home, dehydrating foods can help you make the most of the space you do have. It’ll save you from trying to cram loads of jars in your pantry. Instead you’ll be able to pop your dried food into airtight bags or Tupperware boxes.

Dried fruit, veg and homemade beef jerky will make great snacks for you and your family.

Great healthy snacks -

Dried food makes a great healthy snack for you and your family. It’s there to eat when you need it and once you’ve dehydrated it, there’ll be nothing left to prepare. If you’re always too busy to eat a proper meal at work or are looking for something healthy to put in your kids’ lunchboxes, dried fruit and vegetables will make a great, nutritional snack. Just imagine trying to eat raw kale, let alone drinking it as a juice or smoothie. Well eating kale crisps that have been dehydrated are very flavourful and also low on the calories!


With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that so many people are participating in the food dehydration trend. If you fancy having a go yourself, check out the full range of food dehydrators on the website.