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A Guide To Ionizers

Explore the vast benefits of alkaline water and water ionizers. Give your body the best water, full of anti-oxidants for a better quality of life. Ionised alkaline water is used by millions of people in countries all over the world as a means of helping their body achieve a much healthier pH balance.

A Guide To Ionizers



Modern life means that the human body tends to become too acidic, which is problematic because acidic environments offer ideal conditions for oxidation which can lead to health complications. Therefore, it is generally accepted that creating an alkaline environment within the body is desirable to help counteract the acidity and neutralise it.

There are many contributors to an acidic body environment such as eating meat and processed food, not enough exercise, pollution and stress. In comparison, fresh air, consuming beans and vegetables and drinking alkaline water contribute towards a more desirable alkaline body.

Ionized alkaline water is used by millions of people in countries all over the world as a means of helping their body achieve a much healthier pH balance.

Understanding alkaline water

What exactly is so bad about acid?

Acidic conditions allow the level of free radicals in the body to rise, which creates oxidation and ultimately decay. If you consider an apple which is cut open and left on the side to go brown or a piece of metal left to rust, this is oxidation in action. A similar effect takes place in the body, except it is the cells which decay and “go brown” like the apple. This leads to cellular damage which has been directly linked to the presence of serious diseases such as cancer.

Free radicals cause such damage because they don’t have any stability and as such seek out electrons to attach themselves to. When these are taken from cells, the “victim” cell then transforms into a new free radical and thus the chain reaction continues all over the body. By introducing alkaline conditions, and thus the anti-oxidants they contain, the free radicals can find a surplus of electrons to cling to, saving them from “stealing” electrons from cells that need them. This is one of the most effective ways that alkaline water can help slow down the ageing process and protect against the development of disease.

Acidic water isn’t completely useless of course; it’s suitable for a range of other purposes, just not for consumption. Possible uses include skin and hair care, garden, antiseptic actions, anti-bacterial and sterilisation (when the pH level is 3.0 or lower).

Why is Alkaline water so important?

There is growing research establishing the science behind the benefits of alkaline water, which includes international centres such as the Mayo Clinic. By reducing the acidic conditions in the body, alkaline water has the potential to bring a whole host of benefits. 

Some of these that have been suggested include improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, better hydration and the ability to detoxify the body effectively. 

Digestion problems, inflammatory conditions, allergies, gout, diabetes, cancer, immune deficiencies, chronic pain and fatigue have all been improved with the consumption of ionized alkaline water too. Results may vary depending on a number of different factors including the source of the water and the pH balance within the individual, although there is potential for significant health benefits from making just one small change.

Enjoying vibrancy and health from water

Health benefits

Although the majority of people’s bodies are acidic, an alkali body is far more conducive to good health and can help to resist some of the ill effects which are more easily present in an acidic environment. An acidic body is far more likely to suffer problems and complications with parasites, yeast, viruses and bacteria. This means not only everyday complaints such as the common cold are more likely but also more serious conditions which are degenerative such as arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis and even cancer. Even if your body is not suffering from any obvious disease an acidic environment can still make you feel unwell, or below par because of the waste products which are constantly circulating. Ionized alkaline water helps by neutralising the acidic environment and encouraging an alkaline body instead.


It is only alkaline water which is full to the brim with vital anti-oxidants, and it is these which hold the key to keeping you looking youthful. Anti-oxidants help eliminate free radicals within the body, and these have been strongly linked to the ageing process. By drinking alkaline water you will help to protect your cells against damage and slow down the ageing and degeneration process.

Hand under water reflections


It is only alkaline water which is full to the brim with vital anti-oxidants, and it is these which hold the key to keeping you looking youthful. Anti-oxidants help eliminate free radicals within the body, and these have been strongly linked to the ageing process. By drinking alkaline water you will help to protect your cells against damage and slow down the ageing and degeneration process.

Glistening water in sun

Acid Water

Don’t just flush away your byproduct acidic water, it has many other uses. Acidic water is a natural cleanser and astringent so it’s excellent at cleaning the skin and it’s also good for washing the hair too. Get rid of those nasty chemical cleaners and replace them with naturally acidic water for results which leave a glow on the outside. If you have a skin problem you might find that switching to using acid water may help to ease your problem. Psoriasis, eczema and fungal infections can all respond very well to the qualities of acidic water in particular.

The process of water ionisation

The water is first filtered to ensure any impurities are removed. It then enters the ionization cell where it is exposed to a specific magnetic field which is carefully controlled. This ionisation cell causes an attraction of the soluble minerals within the water to either a negative or positive pole. As the attraction occurs, the water naturally splits into two streams: alkaline and acid. The alkaline water can then be used to drink and the acid water can be used for washing and disinfecting.

The alkaline water which is produced will typically have a pH level of between 8 and 11 while the acidic water will have a pH of 3 to 6. The actual results of the pH level may vary somewhat depending on the quality of the original tap water used and the hardness/softness of the water in your area. 

Saving money with a water ionizer

The water is first filtered to ensure any impurities are removed. It then enters the ionization cell where it is exposed to a specific magnetic field which is carefully controlled. This ionization cell causes an attraction of the soluble minerals within the water to either a negative or positive pole. As the attraction occurs, the water naturally splits into two streams: alkaline and acid. The alkaline water can then be used to drink and the acid water can be used for washing and disinfecting.

The alkaline water which is produced will typically have a pH level of between 8 and 11 while the acidic water will have a pH of 3 to 6. The actual results of the pH level may vary somewhat depending on the quality of the original tap water used and the hardness/softness of the water in your area. 

Need help choosing the right Ionizer for your needs? Have a look here

For more science, please read our blog post

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